Corrosion is defined as the alteration of a material by chemical reaction with an oxidant. It is characterized by the destruction, the weakening of the progressive deterioration of the material.

Corrosion occurs when a material deteriorates due to environmental factors.

Corrosion affects metals in many ways. By availing corrosion protection spray when metal structures corrode, their integrity is weakened and they are more likely to collapse.

Once corrosion begins, it can spread quickly, making it necessary to be vigilant and prevent it from the start.

Biodegradable Corrosion protection spray

Corrosion prevention methods

Here are the commonly used methods for preventing corrosion.


Choice of metal used 

A simple measure of prevention against corrosion is the use of corrosion-resistant metal Marine protection spray is easily available. Aluminum and stainless steel are typical examples of these metals. An economical method of preventing corrosion is to apply a coat of paint.

The paint acts as a barrier between the metal and the elements that prevent the flow of the electrochemical charge that causes corrosion.

The powder coatings are economical solutions for prevention against corrosion. A dry powder is used to cover the surface of the metal. Then, the metal is heated, which allows the powder to fuse with the metal in a uniform coating.

The various powder like rust prevention spray compositions used is polyester, nylon, urethane, epoxy, and acrylic.

Corrosion protection for car engine
  • Master the environmental conditions 

Corrosion is the result of a chemical reaction between the metal and certain gases in the environment. If the presence of these gases can be controlled in the environment,  then the occurrence of the reaction can be controlled. Simple measures in this regard include reducing exposure to rain or atmospheric moisture. Complex measures would consist of controlling the sulfur/oxygen/chlorine content of the environment. 

An example of a complex measure is the treatment of water in boilers using water softeners. Softeners remove calcium and magnesium from water, which are highly reactive metals that increase the risk of corrosion. In addition, softeners also help manage the oxygen content and alkalinity of the water.

  • Sacrificial coatings

Corrosion prevention can be achieved by coating dielectric corrosion protection   the surface of the metal with another metal that has a comparatively higher or lower oxidation potential. 

The sacrificial coatings are of two types: anodic protection, and catholic protection.

Anodic protection

In the anodic protection, the surface to be protected is covered with a less reactive metal (for example in). In the example given, the tin is much less sensitive to corrosion, so that the surface on which it is applied will be safe as long as the coating is there. The reason why this anodic protection is called is that in this process, the metal surface to be protected becomes an anode.
Anodic protection is used to protect carbon steel storage tanks that are used for the storage of 50% caustic soda and sulfuric acid. 

Catholic  protection 

The application of a zinc layer to an iron-alloyed steel surface is a common example of cathodic protection. This process is also called galvanizing. Since zinc is more reactive than steel, it corrodes. It will oxidize, which will prevent corrosion of the steel. The reason for this cathodic protection is that in this process the metal surface to be protected becomes a cathode. 

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